Safety as Career – Rat Race or Passion?
It is unfortunate even today, in most places / countries, safety is not selected as a profession where lives can be saved. I have seen people moving from their jobs (where they spent years) to safety just based on the word of mouth of someone who told them 'You will get a higher salary in safety if you do a course and join'. Will they become the safety professionals, we want to see in the fields!!!
Motivation – Which Mode you are in “Positive or Negative”
Motivation is a very powerful factor, especially when we have to get the things done from others. You will find different Guru's theory in this post. We all learn and grow...
Sound vs Noise
Sometimes, we think that things are the same, but they are not. It is like the difference between intentional and unintentional.
'Safety' - Need or Profession
An overview with the thought that safety is not a profession only, it is one of the basic needs. Maslow's theory has covered it beautifully